1- What are the linear and non-linear data structures?
Linear: linear traversable is possible. Examples: Array, Linked List, Stacks and Queues
Non-linear: non-linear traversable of nodes. Examples: Graph and Trees
2- Which operations can be performed on different data structures?
3- Difference between Array and Linked List?
4- What is Stack and where can it be used?
5- What is Queue? how is it different from Stack and how can it implemented?
6- What is a Linked List? What are its Types?
7- Which data structures are used for BFS and DFS of a graph?
8- Can doubly linked be implemented using a single pointer variable in every node?
9- How to implement a stack using queue?
10- How to implement a queue using stack?
11- Which Data Structure Should be used for implementiong LRU cache?
12- How to check if a given Binary Tree is BST or not?
Linear: linear traversable is possible. Examples: Array, Linked List, Stacks and Queues
Non-linear: non-linear traversable of nodes. Examples: Graph and Trees
2- Which operations can be performed on different data structures?
3- Difference between Array and Linked List?
4- What is Stack and where can it be used?
5- What is Queue? how is it different from Stack and how can it implemented?
6- What is a Linked List? What are its Types?
7- Which data structures are used for BFS and DFS of a graph?
8- Can doubly linked be implemented using a single pointer variable in every node?
9- How to implement a stack using queue?
10- How to implement a queue using stack?
11- Which Data Structure Should be used for implementiong LRU cache?
12- How to check if a given Binary Tree is BST or not?
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